Du har accepterat denna offerten.

Offert Date: 2 February, 2024
Giltig till: 16 February, 2024
Offert Number: 530

Baltic Gateway AB
Er referens:


Datum: 2024-07-24
Resa: Havets Hus Lysekil - ToR
Hämtas, kl.: 07:30 Havets Hus Lysekil
Lämnas, kl.: 20:00 Havets Hus Lysekil
Fartyg: m/s Byfjorden

 Cruise Seven Seas Mariner.

Here below the slot times for the 24th.


09:30 – 11:30 AND 12:00 – 14:00


24/6       startfee 20 500 sek + vat 1 230 sek  + 9 h * 6250 sek/h = 56 250 + vat 3 375 sek --> total 81 355 sek        (4 sealsafaris is posible to to during 9 h)l 7:30-8:00 hours)

24/7       startfee 20 500 sek + vat 1 230 sek  + 12 h * 6250 sek/h =75 000 + vat 4 500 sek --> total 101 230 sek      (6 sealsafaris is posible to to during 9 h)
1/9        startfee 20 500 sek + vat 1 230 sek  + 11 h * 6250 sek/h = 68 750 + vat 4 125 sek --> total 72 875 sek       (5 sealsafaris is posible to to during 9 h)
If you make a booking for all three days we will give you 10 000 sek in discount on the startfee each opportunity. 
The startfee is the cost for us to take the boat from our homeharbour Uddevalla to Lysekil. 
Our offer is 255 460 - 30 000 = 225 460 sek inclucive vat. 


Antal Specifikation PrisRabattSumma exkl. moms
1 sälsafaris 2 st

8 H KÖRTID 9-14

50000,00 SEK0.00%50000,00 SEK
Summa exkl. moms 50000,00 SEK
6% moms 3000,00 SEK
12% moms 0,00 SEK
25% moms 0,00 SEK
Totalt inkl. moms 53000,00 SEK